It can be quite a common misconception to assume that window tinting simply means making your windows darker. This may have once been largely true, but the market today is vast and expansive, with a wide array of different films available for windows of any kind and tints only make up a small portion of these. Arguably the largest variety can be found within commercial applications and as such if you are looking to tint your office windows, then you might want to consider some of these three alternative / complementary options as well as simply a colour.
Privacy film
Rather than simply a coloured film, a privacy film offers a misted or distorted effect which obstructs the view. This kind of film can be exceptionally useful for ground floor offices as having people staring through the windows is very distracting, but there is also a much more stylish application. Using privacy films for partial coverage allows you to create very striking effects such as patterns and text. Quite a popular choice is to only obscure a central region of an internal window so that a desk is hidden but the rest is not. This allows plenty of light to penetrate into an office whereas traditional cubicles would not.
Safety / security film
Modern glass is usually very strong in its construction, especially that used in walls and doors. The glass needs to meet rigorous standards to ensure that it is safe for use and can withstand a good degree of knocks and slams. Security film adds a tough layer to the glass that makes it even harder to break and whilst it is not invulnerable, it certainly gives the glass a good amount of reinforcement. Safety glass adds to and compliments this by making broken glass stay in place, providing safety against sharp, broken glass whilst also making it even harder to get through the glass by force.
Digitally printed film
Taking an idea from the privacy film section one step further, printed film allows you to have any design you could possibly imagine turned into a film for your windows. This allows complex designs such as company logos and detailed art pieces. Having such potential for creating designs for just about any purpose provides near limitless creative options.
Whatever kind of glass you are seeking to tint, obstruct or alter in any way should be aware of the options open to you. Add to this the difficulty associated with installing films, such as glass preparation, bubbling, fitting alignment along with the time and skill required; window films can be very tricky to get right. The last thing you want is a poorly installed window film in your professional space as it sends the wrong message. As such, consulting the professionals, such as those at SolarGraph Glass Tinting, will ensure that you get the best results.